
Posts Tagged ‘grapefruit’

I’m launching a sister site to theimmortalwars.com, which will serve as my ‘official site’ while theimmortalwars.com will be the ‘book site.’ It will mostly be about my non-exciting life and the projects I’m doing at the time, but I think it will be fun. Ideally, the URL will be caitlinelyse.com, and my hosting site seems to think I can use it, though I was pretty sure that URL was already owned by someone else. Otherwise, it’ll be caitlinyount.com, which will be a bummer, but oh well. Any ideas on a better URL that incorporates my real name somehow?

Anyway, the website has a cooler theme and I can customize it more, and it’s only like $10 more a month to add it to my current hosting, so why the heck not? This blog will (eventually) forward there, so some of my posts may or may not be missing lol. It’s still WordPress based, I just have more free reign on my customization and don’t have to pay through the nose to get it.

On another note, here’s my latest wineglass creation:

Photo Dec 11, 8 11 03 PMPhoto Dec 11, 8 11 15 PM

The colors were kinda hard to see so I had to use the flash to give you an idea.

Also, check out this totally awesome lunch I had today! Grapefruit, caesar salad, and a turkey/cheddar half sandwich. 🙂 SUPER yummy!

Photo Dec 12, 12 32 07 PM

Office party tonight, I’m so excited. Most of these gifts you’re seeing are for my coworkers and boss and stuff, so I can’t wait to give them. 🙂 I might post pictures later, if I feel like it.

Also, I’ve become inspired for the prequel to Heaven Bound, Hell Hunted (which is not, unfortunately, Heaven Prays, Hell Preys–my current project), which is the story of Kitty and Storm’s respective parents, and what caused them to choose the lives that they did. I have determined that I’m having a hard time finishing HP,HP because the ending is so tragic (spoiler!). 🙂 The TIW prequel is tragic too, but we already know that three of the four parents die before Kitty or Storm end up in the IIC. Maybe if I switch projects for a while, I’ll have an easier time with it. I haven’t decided which I’m going to release first: the prequel to TIW, or the third novel (Between Heaven and Hell).

I need a nicotine/caffeine ‘white night’ where I stay up all night and am so delirious that I don’t even remember what I’m writing. That’s when my creativity flows the best, and I’m usually thrilled with the results in the morning. 🙂

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